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Discover how our real Fassi Zelliges are made

Zellige, this noble and timeless product, shaped in the most distinguished way by the hand of man. Zellige comes mainly from the Fez region of Morocco, used to decorate walls and sometimes floors. It has the particularity of being composed of colored and enameled clay which are cut and carved and then assembled one by one on a bed of mortar to form a fusion between geometric shapes and colors.

The first step consists of preparing the clay, that of Fez, renowned for its robustness and longevity. The clay blocks are carefully ground before being moistened to obtain a malleable consistency. Then it is kneaded with water, then shaped and spread in molds exposed to the sun to be dried. The duration of this drying process is conditioned by the seasons, following a natural rhythm. The clay paste is then molded into small squares, usually uniform in size. The castings are carefully laid out to dry. After the first firing, Zelliges can be glazed to obtain different colors and finishes. Natural pigments (such as cobalt) and natural colored enamels are applied to the surface of the zelliges. Once enameled, the pieces are subjected to a second firing to fix the enamels on the zelliges. The different tiles are then cut according to the geometric shapes defined by our Maalems (master craftsmen).

So, we invite you to watch this video for a few minutes of relaxation and change of scenery to discover how Zellige is made.

Good viewing.



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